Top 3 Tips to Deal with Work Anxiety

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Hi, My Precious Soul,

If you’re anxious about your current job, I want you to know that it doesn't have to be this way. 

There are things you can do to start dealing with your work anxiety, and I'm going to help you.

I've learned that having a supportive manager and team, is the number one requirement to be able to relieve anxiousness at work.

Other factors such as type of company, role, and pay also have an impact on anxiety, but they are secondary and cannot be compared to the above.

Anxiety is a signal that you need to change something in your life, and I truly believe that work anxiety is nudging us to find a supportive team.

In this article,  I share my 3 top tips to help you start dealing with work anxiety that I acquired from 25 years of work experience across 20 different companies. And I've also included a poem about how I found a job that is anxiety-free. 

So, if you're ready let get started.

A Poem about Finding a Job that’s Healing for Anxiety

By Sandra Glavan

On 4th May 2021 I joined the most amazing team, 

with the kind of colleagues, you’d only meet in a dream.

My co-workers all have a pure heart,

they’re kind, thoughtful, hard-working, and super smart.

I’ve worked in many different companies prior to this, 

but I have never experienced this sort of bliss. 

If one person struggles the rest fly over like bees, 

making every challenge seem like a breeze.

I feel it’s really important to share my experience, 

because if you hate your job you have to know another place might be glorious.

After years of searching for the right company and post, 

I have found a place where I can grow the most. 

So, what are the key qualities in this team,

to help you find a job without work anxiety and that’s also supreme?

The manager of the team lives and breathes fairness, 

she has no favorites and that’s a rareness.  

The same rules apply to all including herself, 

which is amazing enough in itself.

She doesn’t waste time micromanaging any staff member,

instead, she utilizes her hours to be a great leader and mentor. 

She praises you when you’re hard-working, 

but she also comforts you if you need supporting, 

and advises you constructively if you need correcting. 

Bitchiness, laziness, pushiness, and dishonesty, 

have never or will ever be part of her honestly.

She only hires people with truly valuable qualities, 

which are also her own commodities.

The rest of the team is a reflection of the manager, 

each person is unique but also branches of the same lavender.

Everyone is always doing their very best, 

and willingly helping others without being pressed. 

Of course, we all have a bad day, 

but you never feel it’s something to stay.

I believe that connections such as these are invaluable, 

and the true value of human capital.

Working in a team with these kinds of attributes, 

can be healing for your work anxiety towards its very roots. 

So, please don’t give up my dear heart searching for the right job, 

because there are positions that can make you grow and expand into a glorious crop.

And the next time you go for an interview,

make sure you observe the manager through and through.

Ask lots of questions to gauge how they manage the team, 

you need to know their core values and I promise you that is not extreme.

Take note of their choice of words, body language, and how they make you feel, 

as this will give you a glimpse of what it’s like to work for them and will be a big reveal. 

In the interview, if you feel judged, intimidated, or unequal, 

then know that if you take the job that feeling will become your sequel.

The manager is going to be your key clue,

whether the job is for you!

Top 3 Tips to Deal with Work Anxiety

My dear heart, your job is where you spend most of your waking hours, and so, you have to be able to blossom there like flowers.

Your work anxiety is a signal that you need to make a work adjustment, and below I have some top tips to help you.

1. Start Searching for a New Team

I've learned that no matter how great the company, salary or position, if you don't have a supportive team and manager your anxiety is likely to shoot up.

I believe that the aim of anxiety is to place us in all areas of life that are healing and will make us whole, and work anxiety is no different.

So, my dear friend if you're struggling with work anxiety daily it's time to look for a new team. This could be in the same or different company.

2. In the Interview OBSERVE the Manager

In interviews you're only likely to meet the manager, but since the universe works under the law of attraction, the manager is going to be a good reflection of the team.

That's why it's super important to use the interview to learn about the manager as much as you can.

During the interview observe the manager VERY carefully, and take note of their body language, choice of words and how they make you feel. 

If you feel anxious that's normal. But it's not a good sign if the manager makes you feel judged, intimated or unequal.

Each interview is an opportunity for the employer to advertise their company to attract new talent, and for the potential employee to see if they would like to work for that company and what they can bring to the role. 

The manager should take time to learn about you and make you feel welcome like you are one of their clients.

And if they're not making an effort, then imagine what it'll be like when you need support from them or their team further down the line.

3. Prepare Lots of Questions 

Observing your potential boss is a great start, but you also want to use the interview to find out about the manager and how the team functions as much as you can.

So, also make sure you take to each interview a long list of questions that you can choose from to ask at the end or throughout if possible.

Remember you are looking for examples of how the team and the manager support each other at work.

Also, think about the interview as though you are interviewing them to make sure that they are going to provide the kind of environment that's healing for your work anxiety.

Final Comments

Once you find a supportive manager and team where you can manage your anxiety, you'll be able to start growing and expanding in your job.

It is only then that you'll have a better vision of your career goals and aspirations.

But if you continue to stay in a job that's triggering high levels of work anxiety, how can you possibly expect to move forward from that state. 

You need to feel supported, in order to grow and continue on in your journey. 

Alternatively, if you have your own business, to deal with work anxiety, make sure you are your authentic self in order to attract clients that have the same core values as you. These are the people that will make you feel good.

So, be yourself, don't copy anyone, and don't choose marketing strategies that you wouldn't like to be subjected to yourself.  

That's it for now my dear heart.

Thank you for your time today,

I hope I have helped you in some way.


Heart-Based Life Coach

Sandra Glavan 


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I'm a Heart-Based Life Coach for Gentle Anxiety Sufferers. After two decades of chronic anxiety and self-hate, I managed to conquer both, and experience a huge spiritual transformation in the process. This incredible journey inspired me to pursue my dreams and help other gentle anxiety sufferers. I’m not a mental health professional, but I’m someone who has studied intensively about anxiety and achieved success with everything I learned. If you’re a gentle soul who is struggling with anxiety and would like my help, I’d love to coach you. Check out my free and paid coaching services.

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